Archive for 'General' Category
Disable monitor blanking on Debian with LXDE for remote access using NoMachine and VNC
Edit file: /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart Remove: @xscreensaver -no-splash Append: @xset s noblank @xset s off @xset -dpms Sources:
Patch vSphere 5.5 Updates (OLD:
Search for string in file system in Linux
Search for the string ‘root’ in the entire filesystem Source:
Shrink qemu qcow2 files
Excerpt from source: Windows Guest 1.Delete all unnecessary files, empty recycle bin 2.Defragment drive (you might need to do this several times, until you see it “compacted” well) 3.Use sdelete to zero free disk space. Please note that this operation will cause that all drive free space will be filled by zero, so the virtual […]
Find files larger than 50 megabytes in Linux
Find files larger than 50 megabytes $ find . -type f -size +50000k -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk ‘{ print $9 “: ” $5 }’ Reference:
Best compression using tar and 7z
Compress using tar and 7z $ tar cf – <source folder/file> | 7z a -si <Destination archive>.tar.7z $ 7z x -so yourfile.tar.7z | tar xf – -C target_dir Reference:1. 2.
Converting OVA to QCOW2 for use with QEMU/KVM
Extract the .ova file $ tar -xvf file.ova Convert the .vmdk to .qcow2 $ qemu-img convert -O qcow2 file.vmdk file.qcow2 Reference:
Block Inbound for Ports 135, 445, 1028 and Ping (ICMP 8) for Windows 7, 2008 Server
For workstations/servers that are public Internet facing and do not have a hardware/software firewall solution, use Windows Firewall with Advanced Security and block port 135, 445, 1028 and PING (ICMP 8) . GRC’s Shields Up! shows these ports as being open. Reference:
Check Linux with rootkithunter and chkrootkit
Debian Linux # apt-get install chkrootkit rkhunter OR # aptitude install chkrootkit rkhunter CentOS 6.x # yum install chkrootkit rkhunter
Import Active Directory Domain Services Cmdlets
Open Powershell Prompt PS C:\> Import-Module active*PS C:\> Get-Command -Module active Reference: