Dockerfile for custom Blue Team container

By technese - Last updated: Monday, November 11, 2024 - Save & Share - Leave a Comment

To build a Docker container designed for a complete Security Operations Center (SOC) blue team defense cycle, based on a Kali Linux image, you can use the following Dockerfile. This setup focuses on installing tools widely used for threat detection, incident response, and defense. The tools are selected to cover different aspects of the SOC defend cycle.

Here’s a Dockerfile to get you started:

# Use Kali Linux as the base image
FROM kalilinux/kali-rolling

# Update and install necessary packages and tools
RUN apt update && apt -y upgrade && \
    # Install general networking and investigation tools
    apt -y install nmap net-tools iputils-ping dnsutils traceroute \
    htop iftop tcpdump whois curl wget \
    # Install common SOC tools
    && apt -y install wireshark tshark snort suricata fail2ban ufw \
    # Install log analysis and SIEM tools
    && apt -y install logstash elasticsearch kibana filebeat \
    # Install forensic tools
    && apt -y install autopsy sleuthkit foremost volatility \
    # Install incident response and threat intelligence tools
    && apt -y install maltego openvas metasploit-framework yara \
    # Install additional blue team tools for analysis and response
    && apt -y install zeek osquery auditd lynis \
    # Install command-line text editors and utilities for investigation
    && apt -y install nano vim less jq tree \
    # Cleanup to reduce image size
    && apt clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# Setup entry point to bash for interactive use
CMD ["/bin/bash"]

Key Components

Build and Run

  1. Build the Docker image:
   docker build -t soc-blue-team:latest .
  1. Run the Docker container:
   docker run -it --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --net=host soc-blue-team:latest

This setup includes a range of Kali tools focused on SOC defense and cyber defense capabilities for monitoring, detection, response, and forensic analysis in a SOC environment. Adjustments may be necessary based on the specific requirements of your blue team operations.

Source: ChatGPT

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