Archive for 'General' Category
Dockerfile for custom Blue Team container
To build a Docker container designed for a complete Security Operations Center (SOC) blue team defense cycle, based on a Kali Linux image, you can use the following Dockerfile. This setup focuses on installing tools widely used for threat detection, incident response, and defense. The tools are selected to cover different aspects of the SOC […]
Dockerfile for custom Red Team container
To update and install the best Kali Linux tools for a complete penetration testing (Red Team) attack cycle in a Docker container, you can follow these steps. This setup ensures the tools are installed for each phase: reconnaissance, scanning, exploitation, post-exploitation, and reporting. This Dockerfile installs essential tools across each phase of the attack cycle […]
Kali Docker tools install
apt update && apt install -y \nmap \nikto \theharvester \dnsenum \dnsmap \maltego \recon-ng \openvas \wapiti \wpscan \metasploit-framework \beef-xss \sqlmap \aircrack-ng \kismet \reaver \john \hydra \hashcat \medusa \autopsy \sleuthkit \binwalk \burpsuite \zaproxy \wireshark \ettercap-text-only \mitmproxy \empire \responder \faraday \set \radare2 \ghidra \weevely \netcat-traditional 1.10-47 \proxychains4 \tor \macchanger Source:
Parrot Security: tool categories
parrot-tools-automotive/parrot6 6.2.0 allPentest tools for vehicle hacking parrot-tools-cloud/parrot6 6.2.0 amd64Pentest tools for cloud environments parrot-tools-forensics/parrot6 6.2.0 allPentest tools for forensics parrot-tools-full/parrot6 6.2.0 amd64Metapackage that installs a full penetration testing environment parrot-tools-infogathering/parrot6 6.2.0 allPentest tools for information gathering parrot-tools-maintain/parrot6 6.2.0 allPentest tools for maintaining access parrot-tools-password/parrot6 6.2.0 allPentest tools for password attack parrot-tools-postexploit/parrot6 6.2.0 allPentest tools […]
Configure a separate PHP-FPM pool for each vhost. This allows each vhost to have its own isolated PHP-FPM process, which communicates over its own unique socket
To create a separate FastCGI socket for each virtual host (vhost), you’ll typically need to configure a separate PHP-FPM pool for each vhost. This allows each vhost to have its own isolated PHP-FPM process, which communicates over its own unique socket. Here’s how you can set it up: 1. Configure Separate PHP-FPM Pools PHP-FPM allows […]
Disable monitor blanking on Debian with LXDE for remote access using NoMachine and VNC
Edit file: /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart Remove: @xscreensaver -no-splash Append: @xset s noblank @xset s off @xset -dpms Sources:
Patch vSphere 5.5 Updates (OLD:
Search for string in file system in Linux
Search for the string ‘root’ in the entire filesystem Source:
Shrink qemu qcow2 files
Excerpt from source: Windows Guest 1.Delete all unnecessary files, empty recycle bin 2.Defragment drive (you might need to do this several times, until you see it “compacted” well) 3.Use sdelete to zero free disk space. Please note that this operation will cause that all drive free space will be filled by zero, so the virtual […]
Find files larger than 50 megabytes in Linux
Find files larger than 50 megabytes $ find . -type f -size +50000k -exec ls -lh {} \; | awk ‘{ print $9 “: ” $5 }’ Reference: